The abstract submission phase for IWLSC-2025 is now closed, with nearly sixty abstracts accepted. Corresponding authors have now been notified by the technical committee.
Authors of accepted abstracts must submit a full draft of their paper by March 15, 2025. These papers will be included in an open access special volume of the IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science (EES). Papers must be written exclusively in English and contain between 12 and 20 pages. The format specified by IOP must be respected (see link below).
These documents (preliminary papers and final abstracts) must be submitted using the Moressier electronic submission portal before March 15, 2025. Authors are required to present
their paper during the workshop. They will be able to indicate, at the time of submission, their preference for oral or poster presentation. The Technical Committee reserves the right to make
the final decision as to the mode of presentation at the Workshop, which will be determined according to the schedule to be drawn up on the basis of the papers selected.
The IWLSC-2025 Technical Committee, with the help of external reviewers, will evaluate the preliminary papers submitted to assess their clarity, technical merit, adherence to format and
relevance to the event's themes. Notices of acceptance of these papers will be issued by May 1, 2025. Modification request to the paper, if needed, will be sent at the same time. Final papers
must be submitted by May 15, 2025. To be published, submitted papers must be accompanied by one full delegate registration at the same time. Following the review process, a final decision
will be made as to whether authors will participate in the oral or poster presentation program.
To help authors ensure their paper meets the IOP’s requirements, a Paper Template/Guideline and instructions are available at the addresses below. The authors must use the template
provided in “Word” format (do not use the “Latex” template as it won’t be accepted).
Documents that do not follow the prescribed guidelines will be rejected.
Questions regarding the presentations and the review process should be directed to